Canadian Rockies – Day 5
Saturday, 22-Jul-2017
Tags: Travel
Day 5 (Saturday) started out with Larry, Eileen, and Peter walking to a bakery and bringing back bread for French Toast, followed by a leisurely breakfast, and then a nice hike to Grassi Lakes at the western edge of Canmore.
Nice town with great views in all directions.

The trail to Grassi Lakes has two routes. The easy route takes you up a gravel access road with a gentle rising slope to the lake. The difficult route takes you through the wooded trail out to the Grassi Lakes waterfall before a steep accent to the lake. Grassi Lakes is also a popular rock climbing spot.

The harder route is 1.4 km (a little less than a mile), the easy route 1.6 km (1 mile), both ending at the first of the lakes with additional walking around the two lakes. The total elevation gain is 250 meters (820 feet) — most of that in a few stone-step switchbacks.
We went up the hard route, wandered around, ate lunch at the lakes and then headed down the easy route.
View of Canmore.

Waterfall along the way.

Stone steps with handrails.

First lake.

Second lake with a little cave to explore.

Looking up towards the rock-climbing area.

One more look as we headed down.

We headed back to the condo at that point. Debby and Peter went for a walk in town to buy some cards and gifts, and Eileen and Larry packed.
After a tasty dinner of pizza from Rocky Mountain Flatbread, Eileen and Larry picked up their shuttle to Calgary at the Coast Canmore next door.
Larry and Eileen Samberg