Tenerife – Chinyero Volcano Loop
Friday, 14-Apr-2023
Tags: Travel
We (Larry and Eileen) left early to hike the 4.7 mile Chinyero Volcano hike around the mountain. The Chinyero volcano started erupting in November 1909 and the eruption lasted for 10 days. Nowadays this entire area is protected and has been declared as a nature reserve under the Chinyero Special Natural Reserve. The loop runs through pine forests, lava fields, spring flowers and shrubs, and moon-like landscapes. The hike is a lollipop, with loop itself about 3.54 miles, marked by a double blaze of white and yellow-orange.
We drove 22 miles of the previous day's route and parked roadside near one of the trailheads to the loop. Parking was a little tricky with a high curb drop-off, but we managed to find a spot that Larry could drive out of later.
The hike (we hiked the circuit clockwise):

Pictures along the way:

A wall of lava around the lava field.

When we weren't in a lava field, the pine forest was beautiful.

The circuit trail that we are following turns right. And then we are in the lava field. It appears that much of the last eruption was towards the north/west side (where we are here).

Looking across the Lava field with Tiede in the distance.

But plants and trees eventually find their way through the lava.

The circuit hike around Chinyero was marked in white and orange bars. There weren't an overwhelming number of them but they seemed to be there everytime you needed one.

Now we are coming back around to the east side, heading south. More forest, less lava, and then some of each.

A view of Chinyero roughly from the east. And then another from the southeast.

Larry and Eileen Samberg