Montréal – Day 2
Tuesday, 18-Jul-2023
Tags: Travel
Tuesday, Eileen went to the Montréal Museum of Fine Arts. This is a large museum across two streets with an underground connecting them. As with most museums, there are rooms by art period and special exhibits. Here are some she found to her liking:
Félix Vallotton,
Vuillard Drawing at Honfleur 1902

Claude Monet,
The Main Path at Giverny 1900

Henri Matisse,
Seated Woman 1922

Hans Holbein the Younger,
Portrait of Erasmus 1530

Portrait of a Young Woman 1668

Pieter Brunel the Younger,
Return from the Inn 1620

One of the special exhibit was Wolves — The Art of Dempsey Bob, a Tahltan-Tlingit artist born in 1948, who is at the forefront of reviving a centuries-old tradition of wood-carving on Canada’s Northwest Coast.

After lunch, Eileen decided to take a walk to one of her favorite buildings — The Cormier House, designed and build by architect Ernest Cormier in 1930-1931, and now owned by Alexandre Trudeau, son of PM Pierre Trudeau and brother of the current PM, Justin Trudeau. The house is an experiment in styles, with Art Deco on the facade, and more modern on other sides.

Dinner was a reception at the hotel featuring smoked meat and fries from Schwartz’s Deli!
Larry and Eileen Samberg